Mjw teaches you how and when to turn donk (part 1) Gallery Mjw teaches you how and when to turn donk (part 1) Active Members, Elite Members, Strategy, Theory, VIP Members Mjw teaches you how and when to turn donk (part 1) Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T15:22:19-05:00December 3rd, 2020|
Kaki pre session Study (with DrUPSWING) pt.2 Gallery Kaki pre session Study (with DrUPSWING) pt.2 Active Members, Elite Members, Koray Turker, Strategy, Theory, VIP Members Kaki pre session Study (with DrUPSWING) pt.2 Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T15:24:31-05:00November 25th, 2020|
how to crush satellites with Tim reilly-ft 5k satty win Gallery how to crush satellites with Tim reilly-ft 5k satty win Active Members, Elite Members, MTT Review, Theory, Tim Reilly, VIP Members how to crush satellites with Tim reilly-ft 5k satty win Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T15:27:38-05:00November 16th, 2020|
check raising paired boards with MJW006 Gallery check raising paired boards with MJW006 Active Members, Elite Members, Theory, VIP Members check raising paired boards with MJW006 Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T15:07:32-05:00October 12th, 2020|
How to develop your check raise range with Rob Kuhn Gallery How to develop your check raise range with Rob Kuhn Active Members, Elite Members, Robert Kuhn, Theory, VIP Members How to develop your check raise range with Rob Kuhn Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T15:06:47-05:00October 7th, 2020|
how I study and how you should as well Gallery how I study and how you should as well Active Members, Elite Members, Mindset, Robert Kuhn, Theory, VIP Members how I study and how you should as well Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T15:02:36-05:00September 24th, 2020|
Showing unique situations in poker Gallery Showing unique situations in poker Active Members, Elite Members, Robert Kuhn, Theory, VIP Members Showing unique situations in poker Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T14:57:40-05:00September 15th, 2020|
Rob kuhn takes you through a LIVE sunday as he explains how he exploits players and attacks their weaknesses Gallery Rob kuhn takes you through a LIVE sunday as he explains how he exploits players and attacks their weaknesses Active Members, Elite Members, Live Play, MTT Review, Robert Kuhn, Theory, VIP Members Rob kuhn takes you through a LIVE sunday as he explains how he exploits players and attacks their weaknesses Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T14:42:13-05:00September 7th, 2020|
Exploiting recreational players and abusing poor stats Gallery Exploiting recreational players and abusing poor stats Active Members, Elite Members, Robert Kuhn, Theory, VIP Members Exploiting recreational players and abusing poor stats Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T14:41:42-05:00September 2nd, 2020|
Cbet sizing and Frequencies in 3bet pots (SB vs BTN) Gallery Cbet sizing and Frequencies in 3bet pots (SB vs BTN) Active Members, Cash Games, Elite Members, Koray Turker, Theory, VIP Members Cbet sizing and Frequencies in 3bet pots (SB vs BTN) Nina Pilgrim2021-06-01T14:34:09-05:00August 24th, 2020|